For over 30 years, founder and President Alex Karras, OTR, JD, CRC, CCM, MSCC, CLCP, and Diplomate, American Board of Disability Analysis has devoted his career assisting his corporate clients navigate a myriad of Federal and State regulations, including the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) through the development of compliance and training programs for human resources personnel, risk benefit coordinators, insurance personnel, and physicians.
Mr. Karras serves as an expert witness and consultant in personal injury, medical malpractice, products liability and workers' compensation cases for both plaintiff and defense firms across the country. As a Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Case Manager, and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Mr. Karras has qualified as an expert witness in State and Federal Courts across the country.
Mr. Karras' first career as an Occupational Therapy Assistant introduced him to an interdisciplinary approach to developing comprehensive therapeutic and rehabilitative programs for individuals with physical and psychological disabilities as they segued into vocational placement. Subsequently as a practicing Registered Occupational Therapist, Mr. Karras developed therapeutic rehabilitation plans and provided direct occupational therapy to individuals with neurologic disorders, spinal cord injuries, head injuries, and other disabilities associated with complications at birth including cerebral palsy, prematurity and severe developmental delays.
As the Director of Medical Rehabilitation Services, Mr. Karras provided medical management services to catastrophically injured patients through the creation of tailored medical and rehabilitative care plans ensuring that each patient's medical needs were met over the course of their lifetime including assessment of assistive equipment, mobility and transportation needs and ancillary and vocational services.
Foreshadowing the Americans with Disabilities Act's (ADA), impact on the injured worker, and on Life Care Planning, Mr. Karras earned his Juris Doctorate in 1990 so that he could better understand and convey to third-party administrators, insurance brokerage firms, and national self- insureds
the laws and regulations affecting workers' compensation claims and the catastrophically injured and chronically ill
For the next 32 years, Mr. Karras served as a Catastrophic Disability Analyst for DANMAR Associates. A few years' ago, Mr. Karras voluntarily stopped practicing Occupational Therapy to focus on preparing Life Care Plans and serving as a Certified Case Manager, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and preparing Medicare Set -Asides.
In the fall of 2014, Mr. Karras founded Alex Karras Consulting Services, LLC to provide his clients with a more personalized approach serving as a Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Case Manager and Certified Rehabilitation Counsel, and Certified Medicare Set- Aside Consultant.
Mr. Karras holds a Juris Doctorate from Temple University School of Law, Philadelphia, PA (1990) and earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy, from Temple University (1980). He served internships at The Woodhaven Center, Philadelphia, PA (1979-1980) and Friends Psychiatric Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (1979).
When Mr. Karras is not working on behalf of his clients, he enjoys spending time with his wife Joanne, and their three grandchildren; taking care of and spending quality time with his elderly mother Anastasia; whipping up a gourmet meal in the kitchen for family and friends, and trying to find a few hours to get in a round or two of golf.
A strong believer in giving back to the Community, Mr. Karras volunteers his free time annually to the Greek Festival of The Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. Paul, his boyhood parish, Hempstead, Long Island, NY; supporting fund-raising events at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Elkins Park, PA where he is a member, and participating in other non-profit charitable events and golf tournaments dedicated to helping pediatric cancer patients and the physically and mentally disadvantaged. Mr. Karras also participates in the Penn Law Mock Trial Advocacy Workshop to assist aspiring lawyers with direct and cross examination of medical expert witnesses and damages expert witnesses.